About Dr Anna Galanopoulos

Memorial Medical Centre
Suite 1, 1 Kermode Street
North Adelaide SA 5006
T: 08 8267 6222
F: 08 8267 6226
Email: reception@galvro.com.au
Dr Anna Galanopoulos is an Australian and Internationally trained eye surgeon. She provides comprehensive care of all eye diseases but she specializes in the management of glaucoma, cataract surgery, pterygia and the eye conditions associated with neurological disorders.
After graduating from the University of Adelaide Medical School, Dr Galanopoulos trained at Flinders Medical Centre and The Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, in Melbourne.
She then spent two post-graduate years in the United States, culminating in a Fellowship at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, Florida, one of the world’s premier eye institutes. Here she trained with leading experts in the medical and surgical management of complex glaucoma. (www.bascompalmer.org).
Since 1998, Dr Anna Galanopoulos has been a Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and in Private Practice providing high level eye care to a wide spectrum of the community. With the latest technology in her practice, she is able to deliver the most up to date care in the medical, laser and surgical treatment of eye disease, including glaucoma. Her expertise is recognized by her receiving referrals from medical practitioners, optometrists and other Ophthalmologists, including national and international referrals.
Dr Galanopoulos divides her time between patient care, clinical research and teaching to ensure best patient care and outcomes. She is passionate about ensuring patients are an active participant in their care and have a good understanding of all treatment options.
Dr Galanopoulos maintains an active involvement in clinical research to ensure optimum medical and surgical outcomes of her patients.
Dr Galanopoulos has a strong belief that education about eye diseases is imperative if we are to reduce the incidence of treatable blindness in Australia and around the world. With this focus, Anna has been an active teacher of trainee eye surgeons, overseas eye surgeons, medical students, general practitioners and optometrists. She was the Director of Training for the South Australian Ophthalmology training programme for 9 years, prior to taking up a position as an Examiner for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, in 2013.
Dr Galanopoulos is an active Fellow of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, a Member of Australian and New Zealand Glaucoma Interest Group and a Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.